Zen: Ultimate MeditationZen - Reality and Practice Zen is not a destination, but rather a state of mind, an attitude, a way of approaching and experiencing...
Valorization of Everyday Life; A Zen StoryJoshu asked a monk who appeared for the first time in the hall, “Have I ever seen you here before?” The monk answered, “No sir, you have...
Wei Kung and Nei KungTraditional Chinese Wisdom and Taoist Practices come in two main categories: Wei Kung and Nei Kung. The word Kung (pronounced: gung) has...
Onami PracticeMeditation, conscious movement and making music help us become what we can be in the most enjoyable and surprising ways. Onami practice...
Clave - The Rhythmic Key: Lesson One: Son ClaveClave (CLAH-vay, Spanish for key), means the sticks used to play a set rhythm. Clave also means the rhythm that is played, a syncopated...
The Way of Transformation Daily life seems to be an obstacle to spiritual growth, but this is only true if one does not know how to use it.' Many people today are...
Recommended Readings: Information for TransformationHow to Read: The 95% Bullsh*t Rule (content coming) Zen A First Zen Reader, Trevor Leggett Three Pillars of Zen, Philip Kapleau Zen Mind,...
Basic Practice EquationTime + Right Effort (Kung) = jori-ki Time + Satsang = tari-ki Time + No Effort (Wu Kung) = decaying-ki (What is Right Effort? Your...